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Kittens Tail


My cat recently had her second litter of kittens. The day they were born I helped her move all SEVEN kittens into the garage where they would be safe. I noticed two of the kittens had lumps in the middle of their tails. The kittens are three weeks old now and the lumps have gotten bigger, and the hair is no longer growing there. Hair is growing at the beginning of their tails and the end but not on these mysterious lumps. Recently, the skin has become irritated and raw. Are their tails going to fall off? I know cats can be born without a tail, but do they ever just fall off?


The issue with your kittens is an odd one, based on your description I suspect that any number of things could be happening. It really is best to take these babies to the vet to find out what is going on so that it can be treated properly and promptly. Their tails should NOT just "fall off", if they were going to be manx kittens they wouldn't have had tails at birth. The sooner that these babies see the vet the better. Mommy should also accompany the babies to the vet to reduce the stress for both Mom and kittens.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
