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Cat has pain in hind leg


I was speaking with Karen about my cat who has recently had pain in her hind leg.  Its off and on and she is not limping but sometimes crys out in pain and the area is not swollen or no bumps. When i took her to vet she said separtate my other cat and her cause she prob just sprained it. So i did for a week and she was fine for couple of weeks and now she is in pain again. Karen the other expert asked how old she was cause maybe it was arthritis and she is only 3 yrs old and never had any probs before. She eats and isnt loosing any weight. Do u have any suggestions because Im realy worried. Its not constant though so I dont understand what it could be.


Has it been X-rayed?  Remember, I am not a vet! There may be a number of things it could be besides a possible sprain.  It is possible, something is slipping out of its joint (like luxating patella).  Could there be an abscess on one hind foot?

I think you need to go back to your vet and have the vet dig a little deeper.

Best regards... Norm.