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Owner away from cat


Hi, I am away from home for a week or so (not sure how long I'll be gone actually), and I'm wondering how my cat will react. I have 2 cats, but I am only concerned about one of them because he has a totally different personality. I think he had a bit of a rough life before I adopted him (over a year ago). He takes a long time to adjust to new people. He is a little older (the vet thinks around 7 or 8 years). I had to once leave him at my parents house for a day, he had never been there before, and he spent the whole day under the bed, and pooped on a bed, and didn't come out until I got home. So this behavior has me worried about me being away now. This time, I left him at my (his) house, so he will be in familiar surroundings, and he is with my other cat, who he plays with. I have my sister-in-law feeding them and taking care of them, but she won't be there all day everyday. She said they are doing fine... playing and acting normal. But I'm wondering how I should act when I return. Should I give him lots of attention, or should I just act like it's just another day? I'm afraid he might be upset with me for leaving him. :(  Also, I'm worried that if I have to stay for a few weeks, he may not remember me.

Hi Melissa,

I think it is an excellent idea to keep him in your home and have someone come in to care for him- he'll be in secure surroundings and still have your scent. He'll most likely be a little upset that you're not there (you are his mummy after all ;)) but he should be fine in 'his' home.

When you get back, lavish him with cuddles and attention. He may be a little put out (I had a cat that used to pout when I was away for a few days, but I think she just wanted extra treats) He might be a little upset, but he will get used to it- it will become a routine like anything else, and he'll know you come home every time.

He might be a little more upset the first few times you go away, but gradually he will settle into a routine.

Good luck!