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young 1st mom: history . unknown.

20 16:41:46

My friend has a young first time mom estimated to be 6 months,pregnant. she was a rescue. She was useing her litter box. Today she used the commode, the cords on tools store in the laundry room and also beside the litter. The laundry room is approximately 10 X 12. not littered with a lot of tool; just one tool box and  2 chargers for portable tools. She is due to have kittens any time now. she has a sheltered place under a counter used forlaundry that my friend place a portable screen in front of and place her welping box and next to it the litter box. Can you help; nneed answer asap!  

Hi Mary.  Anytime a cat stops using her litter box, she really needs to see a vet.  It's possible she's having labor pains and feels she needs to urinate or defecate, and this is the reason for the accidents.  There are other causes, though, that may need treatment, including deadly uterine infections, urinary tract infections, and stones.

You should also make sure your friend scoops the box at least once daily, and changes the litter completely once a week.  Some will not use a box that is even slightly dirty.  Ideally, she should offer the cat two boxes - one to defecate in, and one to urinate it.  

It may also be difficult for her to get in and out of the boxes with her big belly, so a shallow box should be used for now.

If no physical problem is found, please post back, and we can discuss some possible causes of behavioral problems.