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Male cat question


I really hope this is a common sense question but since this is my first male cat I want to make sure. I have had a male cat for about a year. Since he had been abandoned I don't know his exact age but the vet said he is about 2 to 3 years old.  The last three or four weeks he has been getting erections everyday and is starting to growl.  I'm not sure if the growl is because he's in pain or just reflex.  Since this is my first male cat I have to ask, is it normal for male cats to have erections everyday?  He was neutered about 6 months ago.


Our youngest cat was neutered at 5 months (he's now 4 years), and he's, well, 'healthy', in that sort of way (sorry, my husband was reading over my shoulder as I wrote this, and he's laughing, the stinker...). At 2-3 years of age, your cat was full-blown he-man cat with all the hormones to go along with it, and the hormones are taking their sweet time getting out of his system (in a manner of speaking).

My cat, though never used as a stud, has to be kept away from my collection of stuffed bears (HEY! we all have collections...sorry, husband again).

Seriously, if there is any kind of concern, just take him to his vet for a simple checkup and a urinalysis, just to rule out any form of URI, which males are more prone to get than females. If he was really in pain, he would also be marking everywhere, which you haven't mentioned as a problem. As for the erections, well, like guys (sorry, husband again), it may be a habit that he has that he now doesn't bother to hide from you....