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sore on my cats leg

20 16:46:02

Hello! I was wondering something. i noticed today, 5-19-04  that my baby abbie has this spot on her hind leg. it looks to me like the hair was torn off. to the skin. it does not seem to bother her she even let me put some neosperen on it. i have 2 cats and they play HARD ALL THE TIME. so i guess my question is should i call the vet right away or do you think keep stuff on it and wait a day or 2? i think  it will be ok but i would like a second opion. thanks for your time have a good day...kimmy

yeah wait a day or two and if you dont see any new hairs starting to grow...go to the vet..but you should call the vet and see if you can use the neosporen on the kitty, remember they lick....i dont know if neosporen is toxic to lick or not.... best to call the vet and ask.