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travelling with a cat


i have a baby kitty bout 8 weeks he is afraid being inthe car. what do i do to teach him stay calm when i drive. i live alone and i dont want leave him alone home. i do want to take him with me when i go visit my family
please advice me  

maybe you could get a small crate/kennel (they have them at walmart for around $15) to put him in
during car rides. this would be safer too
he won't like it if you just shove him in there and take off... you may want to put the kennel in a room with a small blanket in it..and some catnip/toys/treats and leave the door open so he gets used to going into it and views it as his little home.  After he is happy being in it
at home, then you can close the door for a while...get him used to being in it for short periods with the door closed then
the next step would be to try to take him for a car ride
with him in the kennel
Hope this helps!