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pooing on the floor


please help... my 2 yr old male cat has started to poo in the centre of the kitchen and also in the bath. there have been no significant changes in his life, ie. new cats, change of home...etc.
apart from the odd accident if i havent opened the door in time he is usually very good but not it seems for the past 6 weeks or so! any suggestions?
i must add that he doesnt use a litter tray and hasnt done since he was a baby. this isnt something i would really like to get back into either.
many thanks, gemma.

Hi Gemma,

When cats have a change in their litter habits it usually means that they aren't well. I would suggest that you take him to the vet and have him checked out. If he comes back with a clean bill of health write back and I'll help you further. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen