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Hi Need help ASAP!!!


Hi If you could help me it would be awsome !!  my cat's head is swollen and
her right eye is runny and she is twiching it a lot ...She is in pain and we can
tell she wont eat or anything... this happend around 8:40 PM in I turned away
for ten min and then she was like this I don't know what happend ...I went to
the emergency vet clinic and they made  us wait for 5 hours to tell us it was
an allergy when i know for a fact its not, because she is in pain and only one
eye is runny I don't know what to do  if you could help me out it would make
my day ..... the other vets ripped me off


I am not a vet and unfortunately I can't make diagnoses. I will offer a few suggestions for you to take to your vet in the morning. I am not sure that it would be an allergy, it sounds different from what my experience with cats who have allergies is. In my experience cats who have allergies do one of two things; they will either be itchy and even pull out their own fur to try and scratch the itch, or they will have tons of trouble breathing and they can have swelling in the area of their mouth, nose and throat. I am wondering if your kitty may have fallen or misjudged distance while playing and have a concussion. I am not sure if the right eye being runny would be anything more serious than an eye infection so I would recommend that you wash your hands thoroughly after handling her as many eye infections that cats can get can be passed to humans. I would suggest that you use a cotton ball moistened with warm water to clear away any discharge as needed until a vet is able to confirm or refute the possibility of an eye infection. I am also wondering if your cat has had any access to the outdoors, medications, household chemicals, pesticides, rodenticides, antifreeze...etc...I am wondering if poisoning could be causing the swelling and trouble breathing...I do think it is in the best interests of your cat to seek a second opinion and try to find proper treatment for her. I wish that I could offer more helpful ideas, but as I mentioned from the outset I am not a vet and even if I was I couldn't make a diagnosis without seeing the cat. I hope that you have found the information I have provided helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again.