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18mth silver spotted bsh


Hi, I have bought a silver spotted bsh cat 18mths old. She hasnt been spayed yet but am about to get that done. My problem with her is that although she will use her litter tray to go to the toilet she is also messing in other places in the house. I have tried a diet change but that hasnt helped. Some days she will go to the toilet up to three times in one day, sometimes solid and sometimes loose. I am at the end of my tether with her as I dont know what else to do. Can you advise please. The girl I got her from said she bought her for breeding purposes but she hasnt come into season yet.

The cat is probably feeling very uncertain about her new home etc and this is causing her to scent mark her new territory.

She needs some time to settle down and so the best option is to take her through the litter training process for a bout a week. this will give her confidence and time to relax a little in a smaller area. the process is described here


best wishes Kate