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Senior cat health


Hi my cat is at LEAST 15 years old. Today she was acting like her usual self, napping, eating, etc. She jumped off my bed but when she landed it sounded like she fell. i didnt see anything, so i figured she just got her claw stuck, i didnt think much of it. Then a little while later I hear her meowing as if she was is pain at my door. It was the scariest meow I have ever heard her make. So I run and open the door to see what happened. She was sitting there leaning on her leg, she then quickly ran into my room to her spot of the carpet. Still meowing like crazy I pick her up thinking she may have stepped on glass. Couldn't find anything wrong with her. She stopped meowing and I put her on my bed to comfort her. I noticed that her eyes are moving left to right. As if she was reading a book. I'm trying to comfort her because her eyes are dilated and it looks like she's in pain. But she is purring now, and not meowing. But her eyes are still moving back and forth. What could this mean and what should I do?

Hi Anna,

The first thing you need to do is get your vet to check her over. If her eyes are moving like that then that may be the reason she fell. The most likely cause is an inner ear infection.She should get better in a bit but get her looked at. Here's a couple of good links about geriatric cats and their care. Hope this helps.

Also for her comfort I suggest this. She will love you for it.

Get her to the vet. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen