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hurt kitten leg


My 5 month old kitten was attacked by dogs and im pretty sure his leg is broken i have called everyone in the phonebook and no one will help me i tried to set up payment arrangements as i cannot pay right now how can i help my kitten? Is there anything i can give him for pain im afraid to try to splent his leg i dont wanna hurt him further. Please help thank you

Hi Candy Lara,

Sorry I was unable to answer this before now. Keep her from moving around too much. If her leg is broken there isn't too much that I can help you with. This is something that a vet has to take care of. Try a local animal rescue organization. They should be able to help. Or call your local shelter. And what bout the owners of the dogs? If you know them get them to help you financially. I hope this helped a bit. I'm sorry I couldn't do more. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen