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A Cats Duty


Hello Norman, I still think about our previous discussion. where you told me that your Maine Coon (?) cat defecated while on show.  What were the circumstances?  Did the cat give any warning, perhaps without enough time to get the cat out of there? Did it eliminate a great quantity like that Bengal cat of the video which I described?  I hope all is well and I look forward to hearing from you. - Ken


No, there was no warning.  Fortunately, it was like one good sized tootsie roll. Proper hardness and not soft. The cat was in a final and had been in the judging cage for just a few minutes.  It was odd, because we keep a litter pan in the benching cage!!!!!!!!!  He finalled many, many more times after that and never pooped in the judging cage ever again!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.