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newly adopted kitten with ringworm

20 16:44:56

My sister bought an expensive Birman kitten from a breeder who also works at a veterinary office. The breeder transmitted ringworm to the kitten and just found out before receiving the final $600 payment from my sister.  She has had to bathe and medicate the kitten 2x daily and the kitten has changed from a friendly one to a biting, scared one.  Once the treatments are finished in about a month, will the kitten revert to being friendly or will this affect its adult behavior?

 You shouldent really worry about this. Kitten is still very young so he will be scared, so the only way to defend himself is biting and trying to get away.

The only way you can help sort this out is by waiting till the treatment is over and then when it is you must make sure you give the kitten lots of love. You need to show him there is nothing to be scared of. Try giving lots oflove, playing with the kitten.Also asking the vet for advice would be alot better.

Butdont worry about this. This sort of behavior will grow out of them.

I hopei have been able to help.Let me no if you need any more help.

from amie