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my cat keeps hissing ?


I have had my cat timmy for around 5 months now we recused  him from his owner that treated him badly , at first my cat would hide from me and my boyfriend but its not hiding now the cat is 4 years old from what I know and suddenly he is hissing and growling at my boyfriend. Its not like my boyfriend is new into the house as he has been with the cat everyday for the 5 months we had him . Their is a lot  of argument between me and my boyfriend and I don't know if this is stressing my  cat out ?


Often, a sudden change in behavior is due to a medical issue.  If the cat is in discomfort, this might explain the hissing.  I would have your cat checked out by your vet.

In addition, I would have your boyfriend ignore Timmy.  Unless Timmy comes to your boy friend for petting, have your boy friend not approach Timmy. Let Timmy decide when and how to get affection from your boy friend.

It is also possible that the arguing is aggravating Timmy, given his past history.  5 months is not a very long time for Timmy to be in your household and he is dealing with the change of territory.  You may just need a bit more patience.

Please let me know how things go.  BTW, there is much good advice on with respect to socialization, play therapy and the like.

Best regards... Norm.