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Nightime problem


I have 2 DSH cats.  One is 5 and the other 3.  The 3 year old eats like a pig and the other one just eats occasionally during the day.  The last few weeks at night(around 430am) the 5 year old decides he wants food, but there isn't anymore in the bowl.  I only feed them once a day because they are both 17 pounds and the vet doesn't want them to gain anymore weight.  The 5 year old will scratch at furniture, walls, chew on shade pulls, nip our feet, pounce on the bed and even bite at our faces to get us to give him more food and he won't give up.  I don't give in because I don't want him to think the behavior is working plus he will gain more weight.  What can I do to stop this behavior?  Giving him more food is not an option.  I've tried feeding them smaller amounts a few times a day and that doesn't work either.  This problem has gotten worse since his gum infection was cleared up.  I know that he was having trouble eating due to inflamed gums but now it's cleared up and he's eating everything.  Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,

Hi Sara!
You do have a problem for sure!  My dogs are kinda like this, they think whenever I come home and let them outside, that when they come back in , it's time to eat.  I just give them small portions throughout the day, but you said that doesn't work for you. Maybe this will help.  When I was showing my Cornish Rex, I didn't want him to get real fat, and he also loved to eat. I would give him vegetables.... the frozen mixed kind. He actually liked to eat them frozen!!  He would chew on them and it would keep him occupied . Plus it was good for him!  Maybe you could try that.  It's amazing sometimes what cats will eat!  Honestly, other than that, I don't know what to tell you. It sounds like he is a very persistent fellow!!

Good luck and God bless,