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Pregnant cat is spotting


Hello. My question is in regards to my pregnant cat. She's about a year old (we're not sure) and I'd guess she's maybe a month along--in any case she's not full term. She's been spotting over the last couple days--leaving behind little pink gelatinous spots on our couch and floor. I've been keeping my eye on her and she seems fine--she's eating and sleeping normally (well in terms of pregnant cats) and doesn't seem in the least bit distressed. Her spotting is sporadic; it seems to last for a little while (maybe an hour?) and then there's no more spotting for a long interval (a day or so)
Should I be worried and take her to the vet? Either way if she's still spotting in 2 or 3 days I'll take her in, but I am wondering if I should take her in immediately or not. Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Aja,

Thank you for your question.  I would suggest having your cat checked out by your vet.  There is a possibility that there is nothing wrong but without seeing your cat or the discharge, I can't be certain that she is fine.  When a cat has spotting during pregnancy there is a good chance that she is aborting the litter.  Other things that could be happening are that maybe she is having a false pregnancy and worst case scenario, she has developed pyometra (infection of the uterus).  If it is pyometra, this is very serious and needs veterinary attention asap.  My best advice would be to have her spayed as soon as possible.  Then there won't be any more worries of this kind for you....

Hope this helps,