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My Stray Cats behavior...


hi, i recently found a black and white fluffy cat about 1/2 weeks ago and only a few days ago, i found that he has been doing 'his business' on our pavement and garage rather than in the garden. (we dont let him inside)
My sister also said she saw a few days ago another ginger cat sitting on a corner of oour fence and they were just staring at each other, so is leaving his feces a way of marking his territory? Thanks :)

Hi Sabina.  It can be a way to mark the territory, but usually the cat will spray.  I would recommend bringing him inside and having him use a litter box.  That's the best way of keeping him doing his business where you want him to do it.  Is he neutered?  If not, you should get him neutered as there are way too many unwanted animals out there, and it helps control the ever growing cat popultion.  One female cat having litters that have litters that have litters, you get the idea, can in the course of 10 years produce I believe it is in the are of 10,00 cats.  When you see it that way, there's no question that spaying or neutering is a must for any responsible pet owner.

Good luck!