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Cat death affect on sibling


Until this morning I had 11 month old brother and sister cats. Sylvia was killed by a speeding car this morning. I am too grief stricken to think about replacing her but I wonder how her absence will affect her brother. Should I at some point get another cat for him?

Hi Martha,

I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. You should take the time you need to heal. Sylvia's brother will also grieve, and it's often best not to introduce a new cat during this time. Too many changes at once can be overwhelming. You will probably notice him going through a period of more sleeping, more or less eating and more or less grooming. These are signs of depression.

However, in a month or two, as his behavior returns to normal, or when you feel ready, I do recommend to get another cat as a companion for your male cat. Most cats are much happier and make better pets when they have another cat in the home. They are bored less often so they cause fewer disruptions in the household, they suffer anxiety less often, are less obese and stay sharper mentally.

I hope you are able to find comfort in your company with your remaining kitty.
