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Bathroom Problem!


My cat Lucky is 7 years old.My cat is going to the bathroom on carpets and in the plant. She does use the litter box but from time to time she uses the carpet.What would be the reason? Well we go to away to the cottage for about 4 days. Is it that? E-mail me back!! :)

Hello Kiana:

Yes, going away and leaving Lucky could be the problem. Some cat DO NOT like to be left and will show their displeasure by not using their litter box, or being destructive.

Another possibility could be urinary crystals. They are painful and cats associate that pain with the litterbox and will go elsewhere. Too much fish in their diet is one cause.

At seven years old, she is due for a health checkup. If her 'accidents' are due to a medical problem she needs it taken care of right away. I am including a link to a good set of articles on kidney and urinary problems just for your information. Copy and paste the whole link into your address bar.

I hope it is just temper-tantrums. But if you are in doubt I would take her to the vet to make sure nothing is wrong physically. You can't be too careful when it comes to the kidneys and bladder.
