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Cats in apartments


I have had my cat for all of it's 8 or so years. In that time he has lived with no less than one other cat, 3 people and one dog. When I married I took him to my apartment with me, where he adjusted quite fast. But he is very, very vocal to the point where it's as if he is harrassing me if I don't give him what he wants (outside, more wet food or to be petted) and I'm not sure if this is a new thing or not. He was indoor/outdoor but spent 75% outdoors. Now I make sure he goes out only when I am home becuase he freaks when I close the door on him. I thought maybe he needs another cat since I am gone 9 hours a day? Would this be crowding him? We live in a one bedroom apartment, with a wrap-around porch on the 1st floor. I would love to have another kitty, but I don't want to push the one have away.
Thank you so much for your time.

Hi Jen,
Yes, I think another cat would make a great companion for him.  Cats are social creatures and it would really do him a world of good to have a "buddy" when you are at work.  You may have a little hissing and growling at first, but trust me, they will soon be the best of friends.  Just make sure both are fixed.

God Bless,