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Kitten Peeing on bed


We recently got a kitten at 8 weeks old he is now 10 weeks. He was litter trained and still pees in his litter box now but over the last week he has also started to pee on the bed if there are sheets on it. He also has peed on sheets under the bed. What is the best way to stop this and make him only pee in his box again.  

Hi Nathan,

First off get a good enzymatic cat urine cleaner. Use this on all the areas he has peed on. This will remove all temptation to reuse those areas. Get him checked by a vet to make sure nothing is wrong with him. Cats change litter habits when they get sick. If he checks out okay health wise try this stuff.
You can get it at PetSmart. This should work. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen