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Found 3 kittens


Hi Karen,

I looked at another question someone had asked about a kitten she had found and I figured you could  be the lady to ask for my question.
I live in desert hot springs, CA. It can get well into the 100 degree and above mark here and I live in a area that has a small amount ( or maybe population lol) of stray or feral cats that live around here. My mom and I are cat friendly and have opened our garage for their safety, shelter and a place to have food and water . There are also coyotes and dogs but the dogs are mostly pets behind fences. Yesterday was around a 102F here and my mom was outside and heard the mewing of kittens.  The mama cat was there but my mom wasn't able to catch her but by the cat's size I would have guessed she was no older then 6-9 months old. But back to the kittens, there are 3 and their eyes look to be just have opened or in process of opening. One kitten has one eye still opening but the other two can see, so I suspect that puts them at a week and a half? They have no teeth at all and fit in the palm of my hand mostly.
My mom and I have raised another group of orphaned kittens we found in the garage in April and they are 4 months now but never this young, this might be a challenge to me, although I know about the 5 times a day feeding and the toileting. How do I feed them,what do I feed them?  I have not used a feeding bottle with a kitten before.

Hi Lauren,

If the mom cat is around then you shouldn't be taking kits away that young from the her. They need to be with her for a bit longer. You can try to tame them and get them homes in about another two weeks. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen