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Kittens Genders


Hi Jessica, I have written before.. well I was rubbing my "Female cat)on her tummy after she was done cleaning herself...and suddenly a lil thing appeared what looked like a I went on line to see what the heck.. well I think she is a he..can u help me on this..ty ~Trish PS we are freaked out..Her name is Sophie..and there are 3 things done there.. anus, what looks like balls..then where the lil penis came out. Please help..ty

Hi Trish.  It sounds very likely that you do, indeed, have a little boy.  I don't know if you were able to find any pictures online that could help you determine with more certainty, but here is a site with some good photos.  These pictures are of very young kittens.  In older kittens, the testicles of males will be more pronounced.