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Cat Terrorist


I have 2 cats who are brothers, neutered and 2yo. They are great cats who are
not distructive when I am away and play well togeather. They have toys galore,
filtering water bowl, food, scratching towers, TV and a self cleaning litter
box(spoiled). I could have a Ming vase on a coffee table while I am gone and
they would not touch it. When I am home, Gus bats everything off of every
surface in site. At night, Gus meows, bats the window blinds (making a banging
noise), scratches under any closed door and generally does everything he can to
wake me up 2-3 times a night. I have tried a water spray bottle and he views
this as a game. I have tried to lock him in the garage (were his litter, food
and water are with toys)but to no avail, he is Houdidi. This has been a sporadic
behavior for the last year but is now a nightly thing. He thinks it is a game
for me to wake up, spray him then as soon as I fall asleep he waits 1 hour and
starts again. I love him but my patience is thin. I need a full night sleep. His brother Archie is an angel(mostly) no night terrorism and no
knocking things off tables. PLEASE HELP!

Hi Racquel,

This sounds like Gus wants lots of quality play time with you. The best advice I can give you is to play with him and tire him out. Get a laser pointer and let him chase the red dot. After about 15 or 20 minutes of this he should be ready to sleep after he calms down. One thing you need to know. As he gets older he will calm down more. He is in his prime right now and raring to go. It will get better. And instead of locking him in the garage, close your bedroom door. I don't think he can open the knob. Good luck and let me know what happens.
