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cat maggots


hi jess i have a problem with cat maggots in it's neck . well i held my cat and pulled it's head back and saw a little hole. i put on gloves and pulled it's head back again while my dad got a needle and poked a little hole beside the wound and he rubbed the needle across the wound and yellow maggots came out . we did the same thing again and got all of it out .when we did it today nothing but blood came out . do you think the cat still has maggots? write back as soon as possible

Yes, this kitty needs to see the vet immediately or he will probably die.  Maggots burrow deep into the flesh and will actually eat a cat alive from the inside out.  It's an extremely painful and slow death.  Even though you can't see them, they could still be there.  Maggots need to be surgically removed, and the cat needs intensive vet care.  Please get him to the vet right away if he is still with you.