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New Kittens


Hi Norm,
Thanks for your answer to my question the other day.  The kittens have now arrived, but only 3 of the 6 that she gave birth to were actually born alive.  Mom and babies seem to be doing well.  It seemed to take a while for them to begin nursing but by the end of yesterday they were all eating.  My only concern at this point is that mom seems to leave her babies quite frequently.  We have a nesting bed for them with a heater nearby, but every hour or so, mom will leave the box and come cuddle with me.  If she hears them mewing, she will go back to them right away.  I guess I was expecting her to never leave their side at all.  This morning she transported 2 of the 3 from the nesting box to her kitty condo at the opposite side of the apartment.  I took the one she left behind over to her (the smallest one) and she seemed to accept him/her just fine.  Is all of this normal behaviour for a first time young mom?  I don't want her to neglect any of the kittens, and wanted to be sure that moving them around is normal.  Thanks,


Yes, this is all normal (although aggravating behavior), for a first time mom.  She wants the kittens where shew feels they are safest.  

Some moms stay with their kittens all the time, some stay with them only when they cry for feeding.

I also wonder if the heater is too hot and she is uncomfortable.  At this time of year in the Northern hemisphere, the house should be warm enough so that the warmth from mama's body is probably sufficient for the kittens.

Best regards... Norm.