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my little kitten

20 16:44:41

I have the cutest little kitten but I need help with him. He's a little wild.  He is always biting me and scratching me.  When I sleep, he sleeps with me in bed and he's good.  Sometimes though, when i'm sleeping, I wake up to him biting my toes and stuff.  There are times when he's sleeping and he looks peaceful and I go to pet him, and he'll wake up and start to bite me.  I'm not sure if he's going to be a wild grown cat or if this is just a "kitten" thing. Someone told me that once I get him snipped, his aggression will go away.  Is there anything I can do to have him stop biting me?  

when your cat bites you let him know it is not ok you can try giving him a firm NO and ignoring him for awhile or you can tap him on the nose firmly but not too hard and ignore him.  It will take a while for the kitten to know that biting is not ok but don't give up he'll learn eventually.