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How much exercise do cats really need?


Hi.  I have a 2 - 3 year old Siamese/Lynx Point kitty. Got him a couple of months ago from humane society.  He has totally adapted to our home, and is an indoor cat (He was not neutered, and I think he was an outdoor cat, prior to us adopting him). We'd like to keep him indoors to keep him healthy, and also because there are coyotes and raccoons that roam our neighborhood periodically.  

My question is about making sure he gets enough exercise. Does he need to run and play everyday? He is sort of playful at times, but mostly lazy.  Have tried many different types of cat toys (not interested, even with catnip), string/shoelaces (interested for a bit, but now scared of them), dice (same thing, interested, but now scared of it), tin foil balls (lukewarm toward it), laser pointer (will watch but not jump after it).  He loves to look out the window, sit with us and be petted... he's gained a little weight since coming to live with us and being neutered,eventhough we keep his food amount consistent for his weight(he's 12 lbs now -- big guy).  I want him to stay as healthy as possible, and would love some advice on helping him stay fit indoors.  

Hi Jodi,

Cats have a short burst, high intensity, energy level. He needs a little bit of exercise maybe about two 10 minute play periods during the day. Try getting a feather teaser for him. Play with him for only 5 minutes with that. I find that the one toy that my cats adore and that I have to keep locked up when not playing with them is something that I call "kitty fishing". I took an old fishing pole and tied one of those fuzzy grey mice that you can get at the pet store to the end on the line. I have about 5 feet of line out but that can be adjusted to your cats needs. You then cast out the mouse and the cats go nuts chasing it. You have to be fast to keep it away. And you have to let the cat catch it once in awhile.
When you play with him vary his toys. If you find one he likes let him play for 2-3 days with that one and then put it away. Put something else out. And give him days with no toys. He will be very happy that way. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen