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Pregnant cat 12 week


Hi my cat is 12 weeks pregnant and she is now starting to act as if she is in heat and has started spraying in my room on my clothes... so should i be taking her to the vet or wait to see if she has her kittens. Her and the male mated on March 17 so my guess is 12 weeks if that is how you judge it.


By now, she should be quite fat, if she is pregnant! It sounds as if she may have absorbed the litter. She should have had the kittens during the 3rd week of may. I would have your vet check her to make sure nothing may have been retained!!!!! I would bet she came into heat becasue she is no longer pregnant.

BTW, domestic cat gestation is 63-67 days (approximately 9 - 9 1/2 weeks.

Best regards... Norm.