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Cats urinate in house for no reason


Good day,

our 2 female cats started urinating in the house all of a sudden they were trained not to use a litter box anymore and have been fine since the one had a litter of 3 a couple of weeks ago so I had to get the litter box again for the little kittens to use it and they also started using it, got rid of the little kittens at about 8 weeks old. thought this would stop them from using the litter box removed it again and know the last few days they urinate on our lounge suite on the tiles etc, don't know why this is happening all of a sudden, what can I do about this? don't see the point of giving them a hiding if the don't know what it is for? If I catch them in the act then yes but it happens at night while we are sleeping also happened yesterday during the day and they can go outside to do it. Please help as I don't want to get rid of them.


I wonder if one or the other female is coming into season.  Often bathroom habits can get put aside once the female is in season. Also, by changing bathrooms around, for the kittens, it may have upset their normal bathroom routines which could also be problematic for a while.

I would make sure you clean the areas that have had inappropriate urination thoroughly with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for cat stains and cat odors. Often, once they urinate in a place, the odor will suggest that it is an OK place to use. In addition, you may want to purchase a Feliway diffuser and use it where most of the inappropriate urination is taking place.

It may also be that spaying may be another option as no longer being in season, seems to stop much inappropriate urination.

Best regards... Norm.