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my kitty has a bump


hi my cat is about 4 years old and has recently obtained a small bump on his left side. he is an inside cat and lives mostly in my room. the bump has slowly gotten larger over the last few months but it doesnt seem to bother him any. it doesnt hurt him when i examine it, and he hasnt exhibited any strange behaviour. It doesnt have any discoloration to it, im wondering if this is something i should worry about?


Hi Tiara.  I would recommend taking your cat to the vet.  It's hard to tell what the bump may be without further examination by your vet.  You didn't state exactly where the bump is--you state it's on his left side--but left side where?  The neck?  The chest?  The hips?  

My first question, based on exactly where it is, is if it could be related to vaccines.  There is a risk of developing a vaccine related sarcoma and it occurs after a vaccine has been given.  It is usally the size of an olive, and usually doesn't cause the cat any pain or discomfort.  However, after time, you may notice it increasing in size and/or it persists 3 months or more after vaccination.  

It could also be an abscess, which needs to be lanced and drained.  It could be a cancerous growth, or a noncancerous growth.  However, based on your description of the fact that it's gotten larger over the last few months and your cat is asymptomatic, and it doesn't seem to be bothering him, concerns me for a vaccine related sarcoma.  Obviously, this would only be a possibility if you get your cat vaccinated.  If you forego vaccinations, then it can't be a vaccine related sarcoma.  

Please take your cat to the vet and have him examined.  Whenever a cat develops a bump or lump, it needs to be examined, as any type of bump/lump shouldn't be there, so its presence alone is concerning.  

Let me know what it turns out to be.
