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very pregnant cat acting like shes in heat


She's been doing it for the past week. She's showing no signs of nesting (unless that's what she thinks she's doing by sleeping on my bed all day) she's eating super tiny meals and drinking tons of water. You've been able to feel the babies move for the last couple weeks espically latley, you can see them move! But everytime I go to pet her she acts like she's in hardcore heat. This is a rescue so I have no idea when to expect and the vet gave me a 3 week time frame and its getting towards the end of that. She about 18mo old its her first (and only) litter. Please help give me all your input what's going on here?.. Thanks


Maybe your rescue kitty has a slight hormonal imbalance - either that or she is just really enhjoying the attention. If you're concerned I would suggest having your vet look her over again just to be sure that everything is as it should be with her before she brings her babies into the world. You can also ask your vet about the labor and delivery process and what to expect from mom and the kittens in the first little while, if you like. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
