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Does He Know What I Am?


I was wondering two things in particular about cats:

1. Does my cat have the capacity to recognize my face or just my scent and body language?

2. Do cats know what we (humans) are? I know they know that other cats are cats but do they classify us like we classify them?

Please know that I don't expect you to be a pet psychic or anything like that, I was just wondering.

Thanks in advance :)


Cats do recognize faces as well as scents and body languages.  However, I surmise that the scent and body language reinforces the face recognition.

I have no idea how to answer question 2.  I suspect that cats look at humans as surrogate parents and am pretty sure they know what humans are as opposed to other critters.

I am also pretty sure that cats do not think like we do, so we should be careful trying to ascribe human motives and emotions to things cats do!

Interesting questions!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.