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calling post spay


I am a vet and have just aquired a 'stray' female ragdoll who I suspect is about 6-8 months old. She was in season when she was brought into my practice a 'a stray' so I spayed her about 5 days later as she was calling incessantly. 9 days post surgery she is still calling!!! And as I did the surgery myself I am certain no ovarian tissue was left behind.. any ideas? could it just be circulating hormones still, and if so when is the calling likely to stop?? Am beginning to realise why she was a stray...  any help would be greatly appreciated.


I am not a vet, but I can give you some ideas.  It usually takes a couple of weeks for the hormones to dissipate.  You can always test the hormone levels to see what is going on.

One other thing I have heard of is where someone in the household uses an estrogen cream.  The cat licks at is and gets a healthy dose of estrogen which will also bring her into heat!

If the behavior continues, the most usual explanation is that ovarian tissue was left behind, but I understand why you are ruling that out.

Please let me know what you find.

Best regards... Norm.