Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Re-housebreaking



I have a 10 month old domestic short hair male rescue kitten.  From the day we brought him home he did not have any accidents.  3 weeks ago he began urinating and deficating outside of the litter box. There has been nothing unusual in the house no new animals.  We have people coming and going all the time.  Nothing has changed.  He is not declawed.  He is neutered.  He messes in the same area of the house.  I have repeatedly cleaned the area.  Covered it with tin foil and sprayed with "Felaway"  

Help.  I love my cat.



Are you cleaning the area with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet odors and pet stains?

Have you had your kitty to the vet to make sure there is no health issue, for example, worms or impacted anal glands or a urinary tract problem?  Have you changed your brand or type of litter? Have you changed the type of litter pan you are using?  Is there a new cat in the neighborhood hanging around your house?

Anyway, please see if any of the above apply, and get back to me, if necessary.

Best regards... Norm