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Our Bengal Cats meow is gone!


We have a female Bengal Cat that is now 6 years old. Over the last few days her meow has changed to a more horse meow and now it is completely gone. I have had cats my entire life and have never come across any problem like this. Please help!

Hi William,

Cats can suffer laryngitis, just like humans can, and it's typically caused by an upper respiratory infection.  Since the condition has lasted a few days, it would be best to get your kitty to the vet.  If the vet sees no evidence of a polyp, tumor or swallowed foreign body that could be responsible, an antibiotic will likely be prescribed.  While some infections are viral, many are bacterial,  and antibiotics will help clear up the infection.  She should improve after about 48-72 hours on the antibiotics.  

If she shows no improvement after the antibiotics are finished, you may need to consider having her put under some light anesthesia to get a better look down her throat.

Best of luck!
