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Cats getting pregnant


I just want to know how old are kittens before they can get pregnant? I have a kitten that was born in Nov. of 06 and was wondering if she was old enough now to be pregnant. The other thing  I wanted to know is how often are the able to get pregnant? Thanks Bev

Hi Bev,
The earliest a cat could get pregnant would be be at approximately 5 months old. So, it is possible your kitten could be pregnant if allowed to run loose. Also a cat can have a litter every 9 weeks if allowed. They can come right back into heat when their litter is born and get bred right away again on the day they delivered and then they can do this over and over again!

If you are not planning on breeding your kitten I would suggest getting her spayed right away as there are enough unwanted kittens in the world already !