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Sick adopted cat


Hi Ali,
Thank you for giving me your time! I adopted a Russian Blue mix on Monday from a shelter. She is five and on Monday her pregnancy was terminated and she was spayed.  Due to diarrhea and a bladder infection since developed, she is on medication, including amoxy. Her diarrhea is no longer liquid, but she is still having ALOT of loose stool. She seems to be passing twice the amount she is consuming. Vet is closed today. Could she be allergic to the food I am feeding her? If so, do II change her food? Couldn't that change exasperate the problem?
What do you think? Thank you!


Don't change her food at the moment... Her body has been through a lot, she needs to have some time to recover. You can add a probiotic to her food OR offer her some plain, unsweetened yogurt to help her get the beneficial bacteria back into her gut... Antibiotics often give diarrhea because they don't discriminate between the beneficial bacteria that should be present in the digestive system and the bad bacteria making your cat sick.

If her condition is such that you believe she needs to see a vet you may have to take her to an after hours clinic. Dehydration is a serious threat for her right now so anything you can do to convince her to drink more will be important... Even if it is stuff like tuna juice and meat based baby food (just watch that there aren't garlic/onion powders in them).

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again at any time... I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can...

Kind regards,
