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Cat cries when I leave the house



I have a 3 year old neutered male cat, Bungee, who has started "screaming" when I leave the house. According to my husband, who leaves for work after I do, Bungee walks around crying and looking for me, even though he always watches me leave. I have tried petting him and telling him goodbye or simply leaving without saying anything, but Bungee still gets upset. He also will cry and scratch at the door when I am showering, on the phone, etc, as well as occasionally cry in the middle of the night until I call for him.

Don't worry - we're not going to give him away or anything! He is my baby! :-) My husband is really frustrated and we're not sure how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Hi Tori,

Is this new behavior or has he done it before?  Is there anything new going on, did you recently move or have a baby?  Obviously there is a case of separation anxiety going on here.  
I have a deaf cat who used to yowl in the middle of the night until I would let him into my bedroom.  Then at 4am he would start yowling again and scratching at the door  until I threw him out.  It made me crazy and one night I decided I would let him yowl all he wanted without reacting to him and, you know, within two nights he had stopped!  He had figured out that his yowling got him attention and once he realized it wasn't going to work anymore he stopped.  That's what you need to do with Bungee, you and your husband will have to try very hard not to react when he screams or scratches so he doesn't think this will get him attention.
You might want to try a homeopathic solution like "Rescue Remedy" in his water to help calm him.  Does he have plenty of toys to play with?  Does he have a companion or is it just him?  I'm not necessarily suggesting a friend for him but it might help.  Try leaving a radio or TV on for him during the day so he still hears human voices.  And you might try giving him a little catnip in the morning, it actually relaxes cats after the initial effect has warn off.