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male cat in heat


Hi there, I just have a few questions regarding my cat Simba. First of all I should mention he is approximately 5-6 months old, according to the person that gave him to us. What I need to know is will he spray my house or do they just do that if they sense a female in heat and the other question is what are the signs that he is going in heat.
Thank you for your time and expertise.


Male cats do not go into heat!  Whole male cats are always ready, able, and willing to breed any females in heat whenever they can.  

As to male cats spraying, they may be more actively spraying when seasoning females are close by, but they often spray just to mark territory.

A 5-6 month old male kitten could certainly be neutered.  I have known of male kittens who became sexually active as young as 4 months of age.  The sooner the male is neutered, the less chance there will be that he will develop a spraying behavior.

Some whole male cats never spray and some are like fire hoses.  So, I would get your kitten neutered as soon as possible to help prevent any chance of spraying.

By the way, studies have shown that males or females can be altered as young as 12 weeks of age with no long term deleterious side effects.

Best regards... Norm.