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Kitty is not feeling good


Hi. Took Kitty to the vet last week. They gave him some antibiotics for the other baby's runny nose, Clavix. I spent $160 on Kitty alone and they said they don't know what's wrong with him, but that he'll get better with the medicine for runny nose!His belly is still abnomally poofed and he is still lethargic and I don't know if he still has a fever.  I don't know what to do.  He still has pain in his abdomen and stuff.  I feel cheated out of my money and worried about my lil baby.  And FRUSTRATED. Can you help me or lead me in the right direction?
Thanks for yourtime.

Hi Jenifer,
Yes, there is still something going on. I don't blame you for being frustrated. Did they run blood tests? Exactly what did they do for that amount of money? Just giving antibiotics and an office visit/exam shouldn't run that high. If you can, take him to another Vet. Let them know that you have already seen a Vet and want a second opinion but let them know that you cannot spend a lot of money since you are already out so much!  Unfortunatley, I cannot give you a "magic answer". I think something is definetley wrong and he needs a Veterinarian to find out what it is.  I wish I was of more help.  Sorry.

God Bless,