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Am I a cat magnet


My first cat I got because the girl at work wanted a female kitten and so I wound up with a nice boy kitten. Pretty normal.

My second cat - I was standing at a bus stop on my way to work and I saw a cat running around a busy intersection. I said crazy cat get out of the street and didn't see him. The bus finally shows up and as I am getting on the bus the cat jumps on with me and grabs me around my ankle. Needless to say I was late for work and the cat had a new home.

My third cat - about a week after or so after my first cat passed away - I came home from grocery shopping and there was a beautiful cat in front of my apartment building. Strangely I had cat treats in my bag for my second cat. I asked this cat if he wanted some treats, he meowed, I gave him the treats and noticed he was already neutered then ask him if he wanted to come home with me, I held open the door to my building and he came in. I posted cat found notices in my neighborhood but nobody claimed him.

My fourth - was hanging around the local corner candy store - he screamed at me and followed me in. I inquired if it was the store cat and was told no and that he is not allowed in the store. I bought him a can of food and fed him outside.  I noticed he had a collar that said take me home. So I did

Last night a cat followed me for one whole block, into the same corner store, waited for me to buy him a can of food and followed me out so I could feed him.

These are just a few incidents with cats that have made it into my apartment - yes cat number 5 is just waiting to come in; there are also birds and a squirrel that wait for me to feed them (my husband thinks its the funniest thing that they line up in a certain order until they get their food). I have even had a dog follow me that had escaped his leash.

Do other people have this going on or do I just live in an area where the animals are bold and aggressive when looking for companionship?

Oh and I am not a lonely old animal stalker I have a full life with a husband and child.

Hi Patricia,

LOL Yes it does sound like these cats have figured out who is their guardian angel.
I think cats can find help when they need it. And it sounds like you are one caring person. It takes a lot to open your home to these cats in need. You probably do have a good vibe that they pick up on. Most people would just walk away but you got food and most likely talked to them. They do sense people who care. You are one of the good guys. Thanks. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen