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,y kitten is scarred and purring at the same time


I just bought a healthy boy bengal from a reputable breeder. I finally brought him home on Saturday about 3 days ago. He has been quiet and hiding since we brought him home, which we expected. I did think it was odd that he didn't meow but then today he began meowing very loudly on and off all day. He doesn't seem like he's in pain but when i was holding him he seemed very anxious (he is not too socialized) and he wanted to get away BUT he was purring at the same time is this normal? I heard that cats purr when  they are in extreme pain is this true? thank you for any help

Hi Sara,

For some cats, in a new situation, it's perfectly normal. He wants the closeness but is afraid of his new surroundings. He is meowing to see who will answer. When you pick him up and hold him give him a treat. This will help with bonding with you. When he wants to go, let him. Don't hold on to him or he will become afraid of you. It will take a little time but he will not be afraid soon. Whenever you see him, pet him and call his name. He'll soon become a very "social" cat. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen