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Making a mess with his litter


QUESTION: Hello Teresa,

Happy new year to you and your cats

Our 13 week old male kitten is making a huge mess with his litter he throws it out of the litter box the whole time is he just naughty or do they do that? I've this is not the right behaviour how can we help him so that he does not mess his litter all over the show. He is a very lifely active kitten but is getting plain naughty I think we spray him with a water bottle I've he goes where he is not suppose to.

Hannes Viviers
South Africa

ANSWER: Hi Hannes, Do not discipline him for this behaviour at all. It will just have him thinking that he is doing something wrong by "going" in the litter box. Every cat is different. Some do their business and walk away from it without covering it with   a piece of sand.. others make a big production out of it.. they kick around and fuss and carry on. Then they do their business and spend 10 minutes fussing around again. The easiest remedy is to get a covered litter box and if that is not available then put the whole litter box inside of a large carboard box with a hole cut out for him to enter. BE GLAD that you have a cat that will use the box !!He is just one of the "kickers"....and that is not a big deal.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Teresa,

Thanks a lot for the info, would the change of his litter box which is in a cardboard box not confuse him that he would not want to use the litter box anymore. He has been using the litter box since we got him and I am afraid that I've we do cover it or put it in a box that he would stop using it. Thanks for you help.

Hi Hannes, as long as the box is in the same place and as long as it is not moving or anything when he tries to use it.. he should be fine. If you are concerned, you can start with a cardboard box or carboard sheets that only cover 3 sides of the litter box (taped onto the box sides)... and then after a week put it right inside of a cardboard box. He may even like it better !! Kittens love to get into dark little places.. :)