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How to look for semi-feral cat


QUESTION: Thanks for your earlier reply -- I wasn't sure how to do the follow up question and so ended up starting another question.  You had suggested that once the other feral male cat is altered, it would help remove quite a bit of
his aggressive behavior and the missing semi-feral cat could become part of the colony again.  My question now is
that since I have to wait for a vet apt. for neutering for over a week, and I have to wait to trap the cat until I can get the appointment, should I just continue to put out food and water and hope that eventually he will show up after the other cat has been altered?  I don't want to trap the semi-feral, just want him to be around.  I want
to trap the cat that I think attacked him.


ANSWER: Hi Lois,

Yes, keep putting fresh water and food out just before dusk every night.  This is "the routine" setup so after a while cats know when you feed.  Also keep the trap right next to the food to continue making it part of the outside landscape.  

What I've had to do in the past is trap whoever I could and if it is not the one I want - let them go - they will be the least likely to go back into that trap again for a long time : -)  BUT - I have had some that loved the food inside the trap so much, they went in nightly *sigh* trap happy cats I called them!

But, even if you get the one you want and have to wait for the appointment - trap and keep the cat in a larger dog crate say outside in your garage until his appointment.  Do you have a place like that to put them after trapping?  

You may want to contact a local TNR (trap, neuter, release) group that could help show you how to transfer Feral cats from the trap to another larger container just until after surgery.

I believe your semi-feral is still around, perhaps just taking a different time frame to come eat until the more agressive one has been fixed.  Cats will use the same kitty pathways to get to and from a feeding station, and this "path" is treated by the cats as no-one's territory to defend - everyone's allowed to pass through - But with the agressive one making it harder we will need to trap everyone, let the others go if they are already fixed, and once you get him - Call and see if they can't get you in right away after you explain you have a feral colony and need this male Feral fixed right away.

Even after this one is fixed, all the cats will need fresh water to stay alive - though most folks think ditches, lakes or other strange water is good enough : -)  I like to think that it's too easy to take 5 minutes and put out fresh food and water nightly for any "outdoor" kitties to keep them healthier.

Please let me know how it's going and if you have any questions ok?  I look forward to hearing how you've caught this bad boy.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Debbbie,
Thanks for your reply.  I called the vet and they said if I caught a feral to check with them and see if they could neuter it the next day.  So, I set the trap with Fancy Feast salmon and a little tuna juice as a lead-in and within half an hour had an occupant...It wasn't the feral that I think attacked my missing semi-feral but it was one that I think may be his brother and who needed to be neutered anyway.  Now I have to go and put out food for the "evil twin" to keep him around so I can trap him! I'm hoping that the one I brought to the vet today will be trap shy after this.  (I had to laugh at your "trap happy" cats who went into the trap nightly) As soon as I retrieve him from the vet, I will be re-setting the trap for "bad boy"! I'm hoping that my semi-feral is still out there.  I'll let you know how it goes.  By the way, good reminder about the water.  It's around 90 degrees today and water put out in the morning is already warm by midday.

Hi Lois,

Wow have you been busy!  Congratulations on getting that colony fixed right up!  hahaha "Bad Boy" will be back and it's so GREAT you'll have his "brother" fixed too.

LOL man o man the Orange tabby every night (sometimes several times in ONE night), would hit all my traps - 8 set up at once - and I'd have 1 trap with him sitting in just cleaning his licking self up, and 7 more to RESET for the "real" cats I wanted to trap hahaha Trap Happy wanted to be saved as it turned out.  He needed medical attention and he got it after the 5th time in my trap :-)  What a funny "trap happy" cat that kept me amused for so many nights - letting him out and having him go back into a trap within an hour is NOT "cat behavior" most have after being trapped!  Trust me - After this young man get's neutered and released, you may not SEE him in person at your food for a while, but believe me, he'll still sneak in for food and water, but hopefully for you - stay OUT of your trap until his "evil twin" is caught.  I like your sense of humor and what a tremendous job your doing for all the millions of strays and ferals out there.  

If you can (with an icemaker), put a huge bowl of ice out around 5-6 (or closer to dusk), so as it melts it stays cooler - but cats living outside love any temp water if it's fresh!  

I'm excited to hear you're taking care of some very needy feral and semi-ferals in your area.  

Do you think you can find help for you with this colony?  As in help I mean help in trading weeks off with others for feeding and putting fresh water down after they are fixed?  Having someone look with you every now and then to make sure all the ones feeding have the TNR snipped ears to let you know they have been caught and fixed helps too.  If you saw someone "new" arrive, you could watch the interaction and fix them and their attitudes before it get's to evil twin or bad boys temperment.

TNR groups may having some funding you can get to help defray the cost of spaying and neutering.  The Animal Humane (in several areas of the country) offer free neuter/spay (you pay $10.00 for shots).  Definately check in your area in case there are groups in place to help take care of your wonderful colony feeding or helping defray the costs or fixing them.

I am so proud of you Lois!  Looking for one semi-feral that "Bad Boy" chased away for a while, you've fixed 2 cats and have one more to go. I can't wait for "Bad Boy" to get his snipping and attitude ajustment LOL he will mellow quite a bit after being fixed.

Great going and yes, please let me know if you see semi-feral spayed gal come back or are able to trap the "bad boy"!  

Kudo's to you Lois!  Thanks from all the animals
