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mother cat lost her kittens


I have a one year old cat that had kittens two weeks ago. this morning around 11am we noticed the kittens were not in there box. we figures mom cat was getting to much traffic and moved them. Since then there has been no sign of them any where we have searched the house over. not one tiny meow. the mother cat doesn't seemed to concerned. or hasn't really looked for them. i was thinking because she knows where they are. but i noticed her teats are very full. Is this normal, and how long can a kitten go with out mom? it is now nearly 10pm.


Mother cats usually move their kittens at least once. If she doesn't want you to know where they are she won't go to them as long as you are watching her. They are probably where you least expect them to be. If they are not crying then they are content. You would hear them if they weren't. Make sure you don't close any doors that were previously open and make sure she wasn't able to take them outside.
