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Birth Control in Food


I see that someone else asked a question if there is a food/water that has birth control in it--but I do not see an answer to that question.

An office building has a problem with several feral cats and now another litter.  We cannot trap the mother, but we trapped two babies.  Is there any suggestion on a birth control option?


As far as I know there is no effective birth control for cats which works via food or water.  However, I am going to suggest a different approach.  Contact a group called Alley Cat Allies:

They specialize in Trapping, Testing, Neutering/Spaying, Vaccinating, and Releasing (TNR) cats back into their colony.  Once everyone in the colony is altered, outsiders, especially whole cats cannot infiltrate the colony.  The neuters/spays can out fight, out hunt, out territorialize the whole cats that might want to infiltrate the colony. Thus, you end up with a very stable colony that will not grow due to endless kitten births.

Best regards... Norm.