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Our cat which we adopted from a shelter at 8 months has been with us for a year now.  We is terrific.  Since we brought her home, she has the odd habit of tapping her water bowl with her paw until it spills over and then she will drink from the water bowl.  What is that all about?

Elizabeth, my oldest cat does this too. One day she spilled her water while playing and went without until I returned home from work. Ever since that she tests with her paw to make sure that there is water in her bowl. She probably went without water at some point so this is her way of making sure she has water before she takes a drink. To eliminate spills you could try using a large bowl that will be too heavy for her to spill. She can then do what she needs to and you avoid the puddles. If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.