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Taming a Feral


I've tried to tame a feral adult for a couple of months now.  He isn't taming.  I trapped him last night to take him in to get neutered today. Because he will still be in the trap, I'm thinking of releasing him since I just don't seem to have time to tame him because I work full time and have activities on the side.... My mom said to try to pet him while he is under the anethesia... would that work?  Any suggestions? I'm wondering if I would be better off letting him live his feral life and visiting the local animal shelter to save another cat from death row.

Petting him while under anesthesia is fine if you just want to get close, but it wont tame him.  It will take lots of time and patience to do this. Depending on how long he has been feral,  he may never be tame.
If you set him free, please ask yourself these questions.....
Will he have food to eat and not starve to death?
Will he have adequate shelter and not freeze to death or have a heat stroke?
Will he be safe from wandering dogs that might attack him?
You need to consider all of these options.  In my opinion, rather than have ANY of these bad things happen, he would be better off put to sleep.  I know that sounds harsh, but think about it......what are the options?

God Bless,